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File Created: 25-Aug-1986 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  19-Aug-1999 by Janet M. Riddell (JMR)

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NMI 103H3 Cu1
Name CAMPANIA, MOOSE Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103H015
Status Showing NTS Map 103H03E
Latitude 053º 10' 20'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 05' 02'' Northing 5891432
Easting 494393
Commodities Copper, Gold, Silver Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The property is located approximately 1.6 kilometres south-southeast of Leading Point, on the northwestern end of Princess Royal Island.

In January 1920, Whale Channel Mines, Limited, was incorporated. The company holdings at that time included the Moose 1-3. Prior to 1920 work on this property included a 21-metre adit crossing the vein, and a 3.5 to 4.3-metre deep shaft on the vein. During 1920 two trenches were cut on the vein. It is reported that Belmont-Surf Inlet Mines worked the above group of claims during 1923. In 1934, the showing was restaked as the Campania group. In 1935, the regional geologist, reporting property assessment work, found a 366 metre adit along the strike of the vein, which appeared to have been driven prior to 1934, but for which there is no report.

The area is underlain by hornblende schist and gneissic diorite of the Coast Plutonic Complex. A quartz vein 365 metres long and 2.4 metres wide and trending east with a 40 to 60 degree north dip occurs in the hornblende schist. Sparsely distributed mineralization in the quartz vein consists of marcasite, chalcopyrite, magnetite and pyrite. A composite sample assayed 3.4 grams per tonne gold, 3.4 grams per tonne silver, and 0.2 per cent copper (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1935, p. B2).

EMPR AR 1919-41; *1920-38; *1935-B2
GSC MAP 23-1970; 1385A
GSC P 70-41